Weaver Tests Out The Flame Thrower Ahead Of Recording "alien" Around The Shepperton Studios' Backlot Yard. There Was A Remote Swap Used-to Stimulate The Inside That Was Light, And Once Lit, Director Scott "liked To Keep It That Way. " Sigourney Weaver Checks Out The Flame-thrower Prior To Filming "alien" On The Shepperton Studios' Backlot Lawn. A Change That Was Distant Was Used To Stimulate The Lighter Inside, And Once Illuminated, Director Scott "preferred To Maintain It That Way."

All that is required to maintain membership is permanent residence in Southern California (so much for "foreign") and a mere four published articles per year, often in obscure publications that aren't freely disclosed. The HFPA pretends to be a democratic operation, but it operates mainly in the dark, revealing only the names and the 55 countries represented by its members. http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/2s5pgj/the_golden_globes_are_picked_by_just_100_people/

The Golden Globes are picked by just 100 people, including car salesmen, real estate agents and hairdressers

  (0 children) Fun fact, Flame Throwers have no federal regulations in regards to civilians use and ownership, and 40 out of the 50 states have no laws regarding them either. Most states that do regulate them also only count unlawful possession of one as a misdemeanor too! http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/2s78s5/sigourney_weaver_tests_out_the_flamethrower_prior/

TIL that Robert Zemeckis wanted the trailer for Cast Away to spoil the entire plot because "we know from studying the marketing of movies, people really want to know exactly every thing that they are going to see before they go see the movie. It’s just one of those things."TIL that Robert Zemeckis wanted the trailer for Cast Away to spoil the entire plot because "we know from studying the marketing of movies, people really want to know exactly every thing that they are going to see before they go see the movie. It’s just one of those things."

I suppose when you're big enough to sell the movie on the title alone, you can afford to have more mystery as to the plot. I bet they could only have one more trailer for the new Star Wars movie along with a few TV spots and everyone who is physically able will be there opening weekend. Then there's movies like Chappie, which had a pretty interesting teaser and then a full trailer that showed the whole movie, and how the director hasn't really branched out much from his typical formula. http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/2s7464/til_that_robert_zemeckis_wanted_the_trailer_for/

/r/movies Official Golden Globes Discussion Thread

Unfortunately she moves into a haunted house where the ghosts are decidedly more terrifying than the Maitlands. So she uses the handbook to go to the afterlife and get them to back off, and when they won't help, she calls Beetlejuice to fix it. Or it could be like The Frighteners. Lydia Deetz is a paranormal investigator with connections to the afterlife. Eventually she comes across something big and bad that she can't handle on her own so she brings in her own big guns with Beetlejuice. http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/2s5t7l/beetlejuice_sequel_to_be_set_in_present_day_and/

Beetlejuice Sequel To Be Set In Present Day And Bring Back Michael Keaton According To ScreenwriterBeetlejuice Sequel To Be Set In Present Day And Bring Back Michael Keaton According To Screenwriter

Remember to sort the thread by new and refresh often to keep up with the other users in a live feed! Normally we do not allow television discussion on /r/movies , especially now that /r/television is a default subreddit. We highly recommend that you pop on over to /r/television 's Golden Globes thread here if you would like to discuss the nominees for television. Here is the official full list of awards and nominees. http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/2s45oo/rmovies_official_golden_globes_discussion_thread/